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We teach our students how to solve real-world problems with math. Students learn standard approaches to math. But also how to develop their own approaches.


From counting to number sense, and place value, we cover all core aspects of math. Students also receive mini math lessons. These improve how fast students are able to think through math problems. 


Students in the first grade learn about addition and subtraction facts. By the third grade, students learn multiplication and division.


We put this emphasis on math because it sets the foundation for amazing careers, such as becoming an actuary, accountant, financial planner, investor, data analyst, or economist, just to name a few.


Outside of careers, math skills are critical in everyday life. Children need these skills for everything, from managing money to shopping for the best price to understanding loans in the future. Therefore, we help students understand math in a way that they will be able to use this skill for their lifetime


Click here for NYS Next Generation Mathematics Learning Standards

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