Welcome to the 2022-2023 School Year!
The PTA of PS 30M is committed to enriching student experiences at PS 30M. Fundraising and community building are two great ways we do this. During the 2021-2022 school year, we raised money from events ranging from bake sales to movie nights. We do all we can do to benefit students and parents.
Join us in making this year even more successful than last year. Just email to let us know you want to join. You may also email us with any questions or ideas you may have for the school year.
PTA Resources
PTA Events and Updates
Parent and Family Engagement
Open Access Fridays
Parent Leadership
PTA Calendar
PTA Meeting Minutes
Family Engagement
Community Engagement
PS 30M Advisory Board
Faith-Based Programs
New York Cares
Women’s Program
Hispanic Heritage Club
Click here for additional resources for parents.
2022-2023 PTA Members
Nicole Brown
Jessica Roman
Vice President
Athena Vargas
Marinda Barker
Recording Secretary
Cicely Lloyd