We listen to you, the parent, and provide services that contribute to high-quality instruction focused on critical thinking and analytical skills at the heart of new standards for children’s education. Parent collaboration is a vital part of P.S. 30’s success in supporting the whole child.

Set Up Your Child’s NYC DOE Student Account
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Watch this video, “How to Access Your DOE Student Account,” for detailed steps to set up your child’s account. If it is the first day of school, and you need to get set up, you’ve come to the right place!
Getting Set up...
All students use a student account. Your student's ID will be their username, followed by
For example, if your child’s username is JaneD, your student account ID is
On, students can access Zoom for learning and Microsoft tools. They can also access Google tools, report cards, and more.
Your student can access their account here:
If you don’t remember your password or never set up your account, you can go to for information on how to get access to your account. You will need your 9-digit Student ID (OSIS).
Questions? Contact Dorothy Matthew, SPOC
Complete A Blue Card
Each student should have a Blue Card, otherwise known as an Emergency Contact and Health Information card when they become a PS 30M student.
The card is used to contact the person designated to pick a child up from school in case of an emergency.
Once you fill out this card, you must update it for any new person you want to pick up your student(s).
Please come into PS 30M to fill out this card and sign it. Make sure to come with your Photo ID.

Track Your Child's Progress in School
Did you know you can track your child's academic progress in school? Did you know that you can track your child’s education on any computer, phone, or tablet?
The NYC Schools Account (NYCSA) is an app that lets you see your student’s grades, attendance, fitness results, schedule, and more from anywhere and in all DOE languages: Arabic, Bengali, Chinese, English, French, Haitian Creole, Korean, Russian, Spanish, and Urdu.

School Policies
Review PS 30M’s dismissal policy, code of conduct, and school attendance policy.

Parent & Family Engagement
Supporting you and your family is of the utmost importance to us at PS 30M. We even have a parent and family engagement policy.
This policy helps to strengthen the connection between you and PS 30M. A needed connection to help you support the academic achievement of your child. We’ll involve you in planning to support your child’s education.
You can also join our School Leadership Team, Parent Association (or Parent-Teacher Association), and Title I Parent Advisory Council.
Become part of the school community today!