Dismissal Policy
General Rules For Dismissal
Dismissal is at 2:20 pm.
Parents are asked to respect the rules for dismissal by waiting in the designated pickup location and not gather in the Lobby for Dismissal.
Students in Grades K-2 will be dismissed from the auditorium.
Parents should enter the school through the main entrance, sign in at the school safety desk, and present proper picture I.D.
Please do not block the doorway or stand in the hallway.
Doing so interrupts classes heading to the cafeteria to be dismissed on time.
Dismissal Rules by Class or Program
Pre-K is dismissed from their classrooms starting at 2:10 pm.
Grades K–5 dismissal is from the auditorium. Parents should enter the school through the main entrance, sign in at the school safety desk, and present proper picture ID.
In inclement weather, grades K–5 will be dismissed in the auditorium.
Parents will need to enter and exit through the main entrance.
Grades K–5 Harlem Dowling After School Program are dismissed from the auditorium.
Grades K–5 Jackie Robinson Program are dismissed to the Main Office.
Union Settlement After School Program is dismissed to the cafeteria.
The remaining students return to the auditorium.
What Happens If I Am Late?
Students picked up by an escort must wait in the auditorium if an escort is late.
Teachers and staff cannot stay late.
Children get upset when they are not picked up on time.
We will call your home or cell phone if your child is waiting to be picked up after 2:30 pm.
If you need to pick up your child at a time other than the dismissal time, you must sign in at the School Safety Desk in the lobby (see School Safety Agent).
After, you can go to the Main Office, where you must sign them out in the Sign-Out Book.
*Please bring a picture ID.
Any person picking up a child has to be named on the pick-up list indicated on the BLUE CARD.
Your child will be called down from his/her classroom to meet you in the main office.
Playtime During Dismissal
Students should not use schoolyard equipment or play in the schoolyard at dismissal.
Because many students are dismissed at the same time, wheels of all kinds (skateboards, scooters, bikes, Heelies, etc.) are banned from the playground. Ball-playing is also prohibited.
We are not trying to spoil the children’s fun. We must prevent injuries during dismissal.
Students with parental permission to walk home must leave the school grounds immediately and walk home.
Students picked up by after-school programs must report to their designated areas at 2:20 pm.
Please let your student(s) know that if they do not know when or who is picking them up that they should go to the Main Office.
In the Main Office is where a staff member will assist them, so please update BLUE CARDS with your most recent contact phone numbers.