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At Home Support

As more parents are supporting the health and wellbeing of their child during work. As you support the health and wellbeing of your child during this time, we are here to support you and your child. Some ways to manage your time at home with your scholar include:


Setting Routines

Scholars need to have a daily routine. This should include time for learning, exercise, unstructured play, relaxation, and sleep. Routines provide structure and a sense of safety while they learn at home. Try getting your child(ren) dressed in the morning instead of lounging in pajamas during the day to help with this. And, always remember to make sure your child takes breaks from the computer screen.


Socially Connect

Social connection is critical to human survival. We must all remain social on some level. As a parent, it is best to think creatively about how you will engage with your scholar(s). Have open communication with your kids, play games with them, and read with them. You can even cook with them. Create positive memories of your time together with them whenever you have a chance. For younger kids, consider setting up virtual play dates or a book club with friends.


Practice Mindfulness Activities

At any point in our lives, we can be stressed and not even know it. So, it is important for you and your child(ren) to de-stress while at home. Try these six mindfulness activities at home with your kids to bring more calm and peace to everyone. Click this link for 6 Mindfulness Activities.


Resource Links

Keep Students Engaged in Learning…Wherever They Are

How to Talk to Your Kids About Coronavirus

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