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How to Schedule an Appointment With...


Your Child’s Teacher:


  • Teachers are available to meet with parents by appointment.

  • Please call the Main Office at (212) 876-1825 and leave a message for the teacher you want to schedule an appointment with.

  • The teacher will respond to set up a convenient time to meet as soon as possible.


Guidance Counselors (Ms. Robinson, Ms. Cordero, or Mr. Fuller)


  • To discuss your child’s academic and emotional development, make an appointment.

  • You can contact Ms. Robinson, Ms. Cordero, or Mr. Fuller by calling (212) 876-1825.

  • Please leave a detailed message with the Assistant Principal, Ms. Hauenstein at (212) 876-1825 ext. 2381, if you cannot reach the guidance counselors.


The Parent Coordinator (Ms. Testamark)


  • Contact Ms. Testamark for PTA Meeting information, school schedules, community resources, and more.

  • You can reach her at (212) 876-1825 ext. 1501.

  • Ms. Testamark is a valuable resource to PS 30M Community School families.

  • The principal meets daily with Ms. Testamark to discuss the concerns of parents and families.


The Assistant Principal: (Mrs. Chioma Hauenstein)


  • Before contacting Mrs. Hauenstein, please meet with your child’s teacher.

  • If you feel that it is an urgent matter, and you must speak to the assistant principal, she can be reached at (212) 876-1825 ext. 2381.

  • During school hours, please leave a detailed message with the school secretary at ext. 1131.


The Principal: (Ms. Leonna Austin)


  • Ms. Austin is very concerned about addressing questions and issues of PS 30M’s parents and families in a timely manner.

  • To schedule a meeting with Ms. Austin about your child or the school, please call the Parent Coordinator, Ms. Testamark at (212) 876-1825 ext. 1501.

  • You can also call our school secretary, Ms. Brice, at (212) 876-1825 ext. 1131.




Keep these important telephone numbers handy and share them with babysitters and caregivers in the case of an emergency, or late pick up from dismissal.



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