Learn-At-Home Education For Kids
Filter by Subject, Grade, or Language
Title | Subject(s) | Grade Level(s) | Website Link | Language |
A+Plus Math | Math | All Grades | http://www.aplusmath.com/ | English |
AAA Math | Math | All Grades | https://www.aaamath.com/ | English |
ABC-Ya! | All Subjects | All Grades | http://www.abcya.com/ | English |
Amplify Science | Science/STEM | All Grades | https://amplify.com/remotelearning | English |
Brainpop | All Subjects | All Grades | http://www.brainpop.com/ | English |
Brainpop Jr (English) | All Subjects | Grades K-2 | https://jr.brainpop.com/ | English |
Brainpop Jr (Spanish) | All Subjects | Grades K-2 | https://esp.brainpop.com/ | Spanish |
Class Dojo | All Subjects | All Grades | https://www.schools.nyc.gov/learning/student-journey/nyc-schools-account | English |
Code.org (Coding) | Science/STEM | All Grades | https://code.org/ | English |
Dance Mat Typing (Computing and Keyboard Skills) | Science/STEM | All Grades | http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/typing/levels/level1.shtml | English |
Design Squad (Coding & Science) | Science/STEM | All Grades | https://pbskids.org/designsquad | English |
Discover Books by Audible | Stories | All Grades | https://stories.audible.com/discovery | English |
E-Learning for Kids | Science/STEM | All Grades | https://en.e-learningforkids.org/computer-skills/ | English |
Earobics | Literacy | Pre-K | http://www.earobics.com/gamegoo/gooey.html | English |
Epic! | Literacy | All Grades | https://www.getepic.com/students | English |
FunSchool | All Subjects | All Grades | http://funschool.kaboose.com/ | English |
HMHCO | Math | Grade K-2 | https://www.hmhco.com/one/login/? | English |
HMHCO | Literacy | Grades K-2 | https://www.hmhco.com/one/login/? | English |
I-Ready | Literacy | Grade 3-5 | https://login.i-ready.com/ | English |
I-Ready | Math | Grade 3-5 | https://login.i-ready.com/ | English |
Khan Academy | All Subjects | All Grades | http://www.khanacademy.org/exercisedashboard | English |
Kinderweb | All Subjects | Grades K-2 | http://www.kinderwebgames.com/index_silent.html | English |
Library of Congress | Social Studies | All Grades | https://www.loc.gov/ | English |
Library of Congress Kids | Social Studies | All Grades | http://read.gov/kids/ | English |
Lil Fingers Activity Center Games | Math | Grades K-2 | http://www.lil-fingers.com/games/index.html | English |
Literacy Center | Literacy | Grades K-2 | http://www.literacycenter.net/ | English |
MYON | Literacy | All Grades | https://www.myon.com/school/nycreadses | English |
Math Playground | Math | All Grades | https://www.mathplayground.com/ | English |
Math Time Games | Math | All Grades | http://www.mathgametime.com/ | English |
Mommy and Daddy and Me | Crafts/Games | All Grades | https://entertainkidsonadime.com/2020/03/13/100-activities-to-do-at-home-during-school-closures/ | English |
Mrs. P's Magic World | Stories | All Grades | https://youtu.be/jhzOMwk_Ryg | English |
Music Games | Music | Grade K-2 | http://pbskids.org/games/music/ | English |
NeoK12 | All Subjects | All Grades | https://www.neok12.com/ | English |
Nourish | Nutrition | All Grades | http://www.nourishinteractive.com/kids | English |
PBS Kids | All Subjects | All Grades | http://www.pbs.org/parents/education/math/games/preschool-kindergarten/pbs-kids-games/ | English |
Pre-K Science Activities | Math | Pre-K | http://www.prekinders.com/science-page/ | English |
Prodigy | Math | All Grades | https://www.prodigygame.com/pages/parents/ | English |
Prodigy | Literacy | All Grades | https://www.prodigygame.com/pages/parents/ | English |
RIF-Pre-Schoolers | Literacy | Pre-K | http://www.rif.org/kids/leadingtoreading/en/preschoolers.htm | English |
RazKids | Literacy | All Grades | https://www.kidsa-z.com/main/Login | English |
Scholastic Learn-At-Home | All Subjects | All Grades | https://classroommagazines.scholastic.com/support/learnathome.html | English |
Scholastic Study Jams | Math | Grades 3-5 | http://studyjams.scholastic.com/studyjams/ | English |
Scratch (Coding) | Science/STEM | All Grades | https://scratch.mit.edu/ | English |
Sesame Street Games | All Subjects | Grades K-2 | http://www.sesamestreet.org/games | English |
Seussville | Stories | All Grades | http://www.seussville.com/#games | English |
Soft Schools | All Subjects | All Grades | http://www.softschools.com/grades/preschool/ | English |
Spanish Children's Stories | Stories | All Grades | https://www.thespanishexperiment.com/stories | Spanish |
Splash Learn | Math | All Grades | https://www.splashlearn.com | English |
Starfall | Math | Grade K-2 | http://www.starfall.com/ | English |
Starfall | Literacy | Grade K-2 | http://www.starfall.com/ | English |
Starfall Music | Music | Grade K-2 | http://www.starfall.com/n/level-b/music/play.htm?f | English |
Story Place | Stories | All Grades | https://www.storyplace.org/ | English |
Storyline Online | Stories | All Grades | https://www.storylineonline.net/ | English |
The Fable Cottage | Stories | All Grades | https://www.thefablecottage.com/ | English |
Time for Kids Digital Library | Stories | All Grades | https://time.com/tfk-free/ | English |
United For Literacy | Literacy | Grade K-2 | https://www.uniteforliteracy.com/ | English |
Virtual Tours
The Louvre is not only one of the world’s largest art museums, but it’s also one of Paris’ most iconic historic monuments. The museum offers free online tours of some of its most important and popular exhibits, such as its Egyptian Antiquities and works from Michelangelo. You can take a 360-degree look at the museum, and click around the rare artifacts to get additional information on their histories.
While the architecture of the Guggenheim’s building itself, designed by Frank Lloyd Wright, is quite impressive, you don’t have to visit the Big Apple to get an up-close view of some priceless pieces of artwork inside. The museum makes some of its collections and exhibits available online for people and students who want to get a taste of what the museum can offer, including works from Franz Marc, Piet Mondrian, Pablo Picasso, and Jeff Koons.
Founded in 1937, the National Gallery of Art is free and open to the public. For those who aren’t in Washington D.C., it also provides virtual tours of its gallery and exhibits, including “Van Gogh’s Van Goghs: Masterpieces from the Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam” and “Sculpture of Angkor and Ancient Cambodia: Millennium of Glory.”
With a collection that totals more than eight million objects, London’s British Museum makes some of its pieces viewable online, including “Kanga: Textiles From Africa” and “Objects From The Roman Cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum.” The museum also teamed up with the Google Cultural Institute to offer virtual tours using Google Street View technology.
Washington D.C.’s National Museum of Natural History, one of the most visited museums in the world, offers a peek at its wonderful treasures with an online virtual tour of the entire grounds. Viewers are welcomed into its rotunda and are greeted with a comprehensive room-by-room, 360-degree walking tour of all its exceptional exhibits, including the Hall of Mammals, Insect Zoo, and Dinosaurs and Hall of Paleobiology.
The Met is home to over two million works of fine art, but you don’t have to be in New York City to enjoy them. The museum’s website features an online collection and virtual tours of some of its most impressive pieces, including works from Vincent van Gogh, Jackson Pollock, and Giotto di Bondone. In addition, The Met also works with the Google Cultural Institute to make even more artwork (that’s not featured in its own online collection) available for view.
Located in the town of Figueres in Catalonia, Spain, the Dalí Theatre-Museum is completely dedicated to the artwork of Salvador Dalí. It features many rooms and exhibits surrounding every era of Dalí’s life and career, and the artist himself is buried here. The museum offers virtual tours of the grounds and a few exhibits, such as the surreal display of Mae West's Face.
NASA offers free virtual tours of its Space Center in Houston, with a wise-cracking animated robot named “Audima” as your tour guide.
The Vatican Museums feature an extensive collection of important art and classical sculptures curated by the Popes over many centuries. You can take a virtual tour of the museum grounds and iconic exhibits, including Michelangelo’s ceiling of The Sistine Chapel.
The mission statement of the National Women’s History Museum in Alexandria, Virginia is to educate, inspire, empower, and shape the future “by integrating women’s distinctive history and culture in the United States.” Part of that mission is delivered through well-curated online exhibits, including exhibits surrounding women in World War II and the rights of women throughout American history.
The National Museum of the United States Air Force is the official museum of the United States Air Force and centered on Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio. It houses a wide array of military weapons and aircrafts, including the presidential airplanes of Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harry Truman, Dwight D. Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy, and Richard Nixon. The museum also offers free virtual tours of its entire grounds, such as decommissioned aircrafts from World War II, Vietnam, and the Korean War.
To help its users discover and view important artworks online in high resolution and detail, Google partnered with more than 60 museums and galleries from around the world to archive and document priceless pieces of art and to provide virtual tours of museums using Google Street View technology. The Google Art Project features fine art from the White House, the Museum of Islamic Art in Qatar, and even São Paulo street art from Brazil. Check out a complete list of museums you can visit online through the Google Art Project and the Google Cultural Institute.
Learn-At-Home Resources
Check out the city Department of Education's guide: The DOE's landing page for remote learning is full of tools, sample schedules and more, tailored to the instruction your child will receive from their teacher. Visit the DOE website
Parents' guide to Google Classroom: Is your child's teacher using Google Classroom for remote learning? Take a look at this online presentation about how to set it up
Online "Mommy and Me" classes from Circletime: New users can get free enrichment classes for kids up to the age of 8. Topics include yoga, cooking, art and music. Check it out
Online technology courses and projects: The Mouse Learning Network, a STEM educational organization, is offering free access to its online courses for the rest of the school year and do-it-yourself projects for kids to try out from home. Visit the website
Free, daily learn-at-home activities from Scholastic: The children's publishing company will release four new activities every day for kids studying at home. Take a look
Education companies offering free subscriptions: Dozens of education companies are offering free online subscriptions during school closures. See a list
Fun Things To Do
Children's stories in Spanish: Find free audio and video files of beloved children's books read aloud in Spanish from The Spanish Experiment
Broadway plays and musicals you can watch from home: Take a look at this list of Broadway shows you can stream online
Activities to do at home with kids: Take a look at this list of 100 activities to do at home during school closures
Virtual museum tours: See a list of museums around the world offering online tours
Educational shows on Netflix: Check out a blog post with a list of more than 150 educational television shows you can watch on Netflix
Livestream doodles with Mo Willems: Beloved children's author Mo Willems will release a livestream "lunch doodle" every weekday at 1 p.m. and invites kids to draw and write with him. Find out more
Virtual yoga classes for kids: For short, kid-friendly yoga classes you can stream on your phone, computer or television, check out Cosmic Kids yoga
Tech Resources
​Our Computer Lab Resources
Internet Policies and Procedures-Computers, iPads, Digital Equipment Policies and Procedures
National Technology Standards for Teacher, Students and Administrators
Educational Tech Resources
Materials: Use the Internet or iPad app Google Earth or Google Maps